10 Bad Reasons why marriage Break Up

#1 You want them to change their appearance

We've all known that guy that comments on his girlfriend's figure if she's gained a few or that girl that complains non-stop about her boyfriend's new beard. If you're demanding that your partner change their looks like Kanye with Kim's wardrobe, you don't deserve to be with them anyway. Grow up!

#2 They still notice an attractive person

Even if they only have eyes for you, every now and then that eye might take a second look at a pretty girl walking by. It doesn't mean that they find you any less attractive or that they would ever act on an attraction. It would be one of the most immature reasons to break up.

#3 Being single seems easier

Is being single easier? Yeah, it probably is because when you're single you can live your life however you want. But we're firm believers that nothing worth having comes that easily.

#4 You had a fight

In the wake of a big fight, you should use it as a time to understand your partner better. It will be tough but this is the best time to fight for your relationship instead of just running away.

#5 A "unplanned blessing"

This one is a little extreme, but unfortunately it is more common than you might think. Keep in mind that if you felt close enough to make it happen, you're close enough to make it work.

#6 Not ready for marriage

Just because your partner isn't ready for marriage yet, it doesn't mean it's time to walk away. You may just be at a different place than they are so if you're really serious about spending the rest of your life with them, give them the time they need to feel ready.

#7 You don't have everything in common

Chances are you won't have all of the same hobbies because, well everyone is different. This was a lesson we learned before grade school but some people seem to have trouble applying it to relationships.

#8 You have different schedules

Sometimes relationships take a little more work because of different schedules. Maybe she works nights and you work mornings but that should not get in the way, if you're really trying to make it work then you'll always find the time.

#9 They're not a stereotype

So, maybe you think your girlfriend should be cooking your meals and ironing your shirts. Or you think your boyfriend should be working all day and spending all of his money on you. Rule number one about relationships: someone should not have to change just to be with you.

#10 They don't make you happy all the time

Someone else should never be responsible for your own happiness. Relationships require work and sometimes, they feel anything but happy. If this is a problem for you, then you've seen one too many Disney movies.

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