BREAKING: Armed Students Shut Down Rhodes University [Video & Pictures] #PricesThatMustFall

It’s only 9am and the sleepy town of Grahamstown is rife with anger. A group of around 100 Rhodents, some even armed with sticks, are turning away people wanting to gain access to the campus of Rhodes University by blocking every entry road and entrance. This has lead to academic and other activities being suspended today.
The vice-chancellor, Dr Sizwe Mabizela, issued a circular to university staff stating that he was aware of the blockade this morning, suspending all academic activities. Even the SRC called on all students to protest the high fees – as this affected everyone.

But Rhodes isn’t the only university to get into gear over proposed hikes in University fees. An action that was sparked by the #WitsFeesMustFall protest that began last week Wednesday has even made its way down to Cape Town where students at UCT, led by the #RhodesMustFall group have barricaded the entrances as well.

Students are protesting minimum initial fee payments‚ fee increases and generally high university fees. Today, #RhodesShutDown, #FeesMustFall and #FortHareCrisis have all been trending on Twitter.
Here are the proposed fee increases which have, obviously, got students up in arms.

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