Fix WiFi Network Didn’t Respond Error on No kiaLumia Phones

After having used Windows Phone for over a year, I have stumbled on to errors very rarely. Recently I got into very odd error while trying to connect to the WiFi network at my home. It says “The WiFi network didn’t respond. Try again later.“. After struggling for over an hour, I finally found what caused the WiFi network error on my Windows Phone. Read more to see the fix to what caused WiFi network error on Windows Phone.
If you didn’t know already, let me tell this. Not every WiFi network have the same set up. It depends on how the WiFi router is configured. If you look at the configuration settings of a WiFi router, you will find settings for radio channel, frequency, wireless security, access control etc and hence there may be a hundred reasons why your Windows Phone couldn’t connect to the WiFi network.
However, if you are suddenly finding connection issue with a WiFi network that you usually connect to, it is more likely to be caused by some change in settings in your Windows Phone. And out of all the hundred reason, this could be the only reason why your Windows Phone suddenly don’t connect to WiFi network.
Check if static ip is enabled.
To check static ip settings on Windows Phone, go to Settings > WiFi and scroll down to find static ip. If static ip is enabled, you phone will not connect to WiFi networks that doesn’t require static ip configurations.
So disable the static ip and your Windows Phone will connect fine with most of the WiFi networks.
Did this tip work for you? If you are facing any issues with your Windows Phone, feel free to comment and let us know. We will try to help you.

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