Gogo Malekhetho at age 119 can do Maths, SHE has 57 grandkids and 71 great-grandchildren .

SHE has 57 grandkids and 71 great-grandchildren . . .
And gogo Malekhetho Pule (119), from Tembisa in Ekurhuleni, is still going strong.
On Saturday family, friends, church members and residents joined gogo to celebrate her amazing milestone as one of the oldest people in the world.
The event took place at the Methodist Church of SA at Mashimong section in Tembisa.
The gogo received lots of presents and birthday wishes.
Grandson Simon Mphafudi (40) said his gogo still talks a lot.
“My gogo is one of a kind. People say she is quiet, but I know she talks a lot and she is fun to be with.
“We are so blessed to have someone like her in our lives.
“Gogo is still lively. She can still feed herself,” said Simon.
He said gogo likes simple things in life. “Gogo loves having her pap with fresh milk. She’s been eating that for years. Her favourite fruit is banana. When you give her that you’ll be on her good side,” he said.
“Gogo used to go to church when she was still strong. I think her faith in God has brought her so far.”
Simon said gogo was the only surviving member of her siblings. She has four children – Ramodiane Pule (85), Maria Nthene (78), Marriam Mphafudi (69) and Bagolo Vinger (66). Reverend Luxolo Mantini said his church was blessed to have such a legend among them.

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