Linda Ikeji’s younger sister, Laura Ikeji, announced on her Instagram page that her sister (Linda Ikeji) has just acquired a new mansion. According to Laura, she claimed it was a surprise and unexpected.
Earlier on Laura ikeji posted about her sister buying a new mansion,but never disclosed the location...well,here it is with a caption
That moment you realize that Mike Adenuga is ur neighbor,Dantata is ur neighbor,you are surrounded by billionaires you used to hear about on Tv as a child,Haaaa unimaginable feeling.Banana island isn't ready for my noise.Dear Banana island,we here!!!
Linda ikeji is really making money in blogging, imagine see how blogging has changed her life to fame completely
Laura wrote:
“@officiallindaikeji just proved that impossible is nothing. Haaaaaaaaaaaa still in shock!!!! #newmansion #luxurylife #thebiggesthouseiveseeninmyife Instagram isn’t ready #worrydemmodeactivated new neighborhood guys!!! I’m still in shock. Thank you God. Na You -”
Linda is really balling, according to a close source, I was told Linda Ikeji earns more than N40M monthly from AdSense revenue alone. Congrats to her!!!