Today, we have another sex-pert in the house, Ms Vicky Osubor and she takes us on another orgasmride. This time, she talks about why some women fake org.asm when in the real world, they have not gotten to that great point every woman long for during se.x.
Enjoy her!
In my over 8 years of dealing with couples on issues of se.x, I have come to realise that more than 70% of women fake org.asm and the funny thing is that their husband’s or lovers are not the wiser.
Some fake it very regularly, that is, every time she has se.x, while others only do it sometimes.
In fact, there was a woman I treated and she confessed that she has never experienced org.asm for the 6 years she had been married to her husband but has to put up a fake show every time they make love.
Most women are often afraid to be truthful, or simply don’t know themselves what’s possible. The woman may also feel pressure to perform and prove herself a se.xy woman and in such situations, she has to put up an act.
On the other hand, most men don’t realize that the woman needs to first to feel safe, comfortable, intimate, and in touch with her sensuality before she’s ready for genital stimulation. She may be afraid to say that she needs more time.
Another problem is that some men do not even take the time to turn their women on before humping on her and before she is even ready, he is done and rolls off her.
She may be afraid to say that she needs more time. She may be afraid to show her real feelings if they don’t fit what’s supposed to happen in bed. And she may be afraid to hurt her husband’s feelings by telling him that whatever they are doing is not turning her on.
That said, here are some signs that a woman is faking org.asm.
If you want to know if you are being duped, use the following signs that she really is having an org.asm to distinguish the fake from the real big O
1. Retraction of the clitoral head
This is the first sign that a woman is truly getting there because it occurs just before org.asm and provides you with a clitoris-sized hint. The most visible position of the cli.toris begins to swell as secretions occur in the inside and the opening of the va.gina.
At this point, the head of her cli.toris will give a retracted sign and when this happen, know that you are on the right track. This coveted disappearance of the cli.toris isn’t only visible if you have the lights on and her face all up in it; it’s something you can feel as well. There will be a tightening of her va.gina around your pe.nis and you can feel whether she’s actually close to climaxing. But if this is lacking and she tells you she has reached org.asm, know that she is just faking it..
2. Increased breathing and heart rate
This is another sure sign that a woman has reached org.asm but in its absence, know that she is duping you. Listen to the sound of her breathing in your ear and when it starts to get heavier, you’ll know you’re onto something.
The change will occur reasonably swiftly when she is about to org.asm, and will be accompanied by a completely unconscious change in the tension, rhythm and pace of her other body movements.
At this point, she will clutch you with all her might, moaning and groan in a total loss of herself. (Mind you, experienced fakers can also act in the same way). But for a faker, her breathing is the missing link. Her thumping heart will also be a sign that it’s for real; if she isn’t actually excited, her heart rate and bodily manner will be very ordinary.
3. Va.ginal muscle spasms
Most men always look out for the va.ginal muscle spasm which is the biggest indicator of org.asm because a woman cannot fake or hide this. During org.asm, she will have between 3 and 10 va.ginal and cervical contractions, the first few being the strongest. They will grip your penis, and the tightening feeling you experience will be impossible to ignore.
4. Sudden perspiration
Hot, sweaty se.x? Yes, please. Breaking out in a sweat means her body is at a high level of tension and her muscles are working overtime, that is her breathing, heart rate and blood pressure, are all up. So, once you both collapse into a sweaty heap afterward, you’ll know she’s been pleased.
5. Red lips
I am sure you never thought of this but when a woman is nearing org.asm, her mouth lips will go a little redder because lips swell and redden upon aro.usal, as will her va.ginal lips. While you are penetrating one set of lips, try to feel the swelling in the other set of lips that you’re kissing. Be careful though: kissing will also increase the redness of her lips, so be gentle with pecks so that you can get an accurate reading of her response level.
6. Dilated pupils
When a woman is having real org.asm, her pupils becomes dilated and become wider, larger, or more open. This is a surefire sign that your woman is reaching her peak. This might be hard to tell in the dark, but if the lights are on, all you have to do is to look into your eyes as she climaxes.
Chances are that her eyes may be closed at such moments but if they are open, you stand a better chance of knowing if her claims of are real or fake. No one can fake that.
Other important signs
She may arch her back and feet, have uncontrolled twitches in her limbs, during and after, and have uncontrolled facial expressions which is often called ‘org.asm face’. Check her cheeks and neck to see if they are flushed.
Of particular importance is what she does immediately after se.x: Does she leap right out of bed and get on with her day? Or does she go to the bathroom and lock the door? The chemical effect of an org.asm on the body brings a dazed look to the eyes and she may just want to laze for a few minutes to enjoy it. If she is missing this post-coital bliss, be suspicious.
During org.asm, her nipples will also harden. Research has estimated that there is a 95% chance that if her nipples aren’t hard, she didn’t org.asm. Her cli.toris gets very sensitive right after org.asm, so if she doesn’t slow down or stop completely after her, she is probably a faker.
Making coherent sentences far too loudly is also a clue to her dishonesty; If she chooses that moment to tell you about the ‘Aso Ebi’ the women group in church would be wearing for Mama Iyabo’s wedding anniversary, sit up and know that she has taken you.