Legendary actor, Rapulana Seiphemo, is entangled in yet another scandal after the film producer lost his cool in a Johannesburg restaurant when he allegedly slapped a fan who had asked to take a selfie with him.
Seiphemo, who plays Tau Mogale in Generations: The Legacy, was seated with friends having drinks at the Newtown News Café last Saturday when a fan approached him and asked to take a picture with him, the Sunday World reported.
According to the tabloid, Seiphemo refused to take the selfie with the star struck Pfarelo Masindi. Heartbroken by the rejection, Masindi walked back to his table and sat down.
Masindi told the newspaper that “to my surprise, Seiphemo later walked towards me and slapped me on my face without any provocation.”
Masindi said that he did not know that Seiphemo was a “Jekyll and Hyde monster who just beat up people unprovoked.”
News Café management confirmed Seiphemo was involved in a quarrel with other patrons and was subsequently ordered to leave the establishment.