President Zuma gets his vir_gins. Celebrates with a dab

After news spread that Botswana President Ian Khama was presented with two vi_rgins during the annual reed dance in Swaziland, President Zuma is said to have negotiated his own vir_gin with King Mswati. The cherry on top was that President Zuma had to give King Mswati and his entourage a dab lesson.
The news was however met with anger and disgust among South Africans who were shocked the president would reveal his dabbing skills for punani. “He has betrayed us. He has betrayed what Tata Mandela and the fathers of the struggle fought for. Judas was better than this”, a fuming Skulo said.
Events leading to the exchange suggest that soon after Ian Khama was hanged his vi_rgins, Jacob Zuma left the WhatsApp group that the presidents are part of. When he was asked in private why he left the group, Zuma blue ticked them and updated his WhatsApp status to “Ke batla kuku” ( I want punani).
Zuma eventually told Mswati in private that he felt left out by the snub and how he should also have been given a vir_gin. Mswati then told Zuma that he had not given him because he (Zuma) refused to teach Mswati the dab dance,instead teaching Ian Khama.
The two then struck a deal. Zuma was to teach Mswati how to dab and in return he would get 1 vir_gin lady.

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