MONDE Manyasha is in terrible pain, physically and emotionally.
This is because he nearly lost his balls when a dog attacked him two weeks ago – and then was dumped by his girlfriend because he couldn’t poke any more!
The 29-year-old from KwaNobuhle in Uitenhage said he was attacked by his neighbours’ dog Striker.
“I was walking down Siwasa Street when two dogs came rushing towards me. One of them was white and the other was brown.
“The brown dog approached me on the left and as I was waving it away, the white one known as Striker grabbed my balls!
“I shouted for the dog to voetsek but it was too late. Striker had sunk his teeth into my balls and didn’t want to let go. He also bit me on my right thigh and left a deep hole!
“I grabbed Striker’s mouth with both my hands and opened it. Then I fell down and kicked the dog away.
“A man came past as I was lying on the ground. He was shocked to see my balls bleeding.
“One ball was out of its sack and I had to go to Laetitia Bam Day Hospital to be stitched up.
“I have lost my girlfriend of four years because ever since this dog bit my balls, my 4-5 has been weak. She said I was no longer satisfying her.”
He said his family asked him not to open a case because everyone at Striker’s house was unemployed.
“The dog’s owner died and he was a nice man,” he added.
Luyanda Mahlahla, the brother of Striker’s owner said: “I spoke to the guy and we’re both at peace.”

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