abaThembu King Buleyekhaya Dalindyebo had three years shaved off his 15-year jail sentence on a raft of charges, in a Supreme Court of Appeal ruling handed down today.

In 2009, the Eastern Cape High Court sentenced him to in effect 15 years for seven counts of kidnapping, three of assault, three of arson, and one each of defeating the ends of justice, culpable homicide, and defeating the ends of justice.
His trial dragged on for five years, largely due to his own “dilatory and obstructive” behaviour, the SCA said in its ruling. He changed lawyers 11 times. There were at least 34 postponements.
The delay was also due to the fear he induced in his subjects and the i
nfluence he exerted.
“His behaviour was all the more deplorable because the victims of his reign of terror were the vulnerable rural poor, who were dependent upon him,” the SCA ruled.